Van Canto - Tribe of Force (2010)

Van Canto - Tribe of Force (2010)

Genero/Genre: Power A Capella
País/Country: Alemania / Germany
Peso/Weight: 84 mb
Calidad/Quality: mp3 @ 256 kbps~
  1. Lost Forever 04:40
  2. To Sing a Metal Song 03:24
  3. One to Ten (feat. Victor Smolski) 04:06
  4. I Am Human 03:56
  5. My Voice 05:30
  6. Rebellion (Grave Digger Cover – feat. Chris Boltendahl) 04:05
  7. Last Night of the Kings 03:52
  8. Tribe of Force 03:17
  9. Water. Fire. Heaven. Earth. 03:32
  10. Master of Puppets (Metallica cover) 08:23
  11. Magic Taborea 03:22
  12. Hearted (feat. Tony Kakko) 04:00
  13. Frodo’s Dream 03:06

Link de descarga/Download Link:

Muestra: Lost Forever

Muestra: Master of Puppets (Metallica Cover)

La banda / The band

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