Evanescence - Together Again [Single] (2010)

Evanescence - Together Again [Single] (2010)

Genero/Genre: Gothic Metal
País/Country: USA
Peso/Weight: 6.11 mb
Calidad/Quality: mp3 @ 256 kbps

Together Again Lyrics:

Never thought that I'd be leaving you today
So alone and wondering why I feel this way
So wide the world
Can love remember how to get me home to you

We'll be together again
All just a dream in the end
We'll be together again

So many fears were swimming around and around in my mind
Who would have dreamed the secrets we would find

I've found a world where love and dreams and darkness all collide
Maybe this time we can leave our broken world behind

We'll be together again
All just a dream in the end

Link de descarga/Download Link:

Together Again

2 comentarios:

INFECTED dijo...

Hola! Gracias por el post!

Anónimo dijo...

De verdad, muchas gracias por la cancion ^^