Opeth - Blackwater Park (2001)

Opeth - Blackwater Park (2001)

Genero/Genre: Death Progressive Metal
País/Country: Suecia
Peso/Weight: 105.99 mb
Calidad/Quality: mp3@192kbps

  1. The Leper Affinity – 10:23
  2. Bleak – 9:16
  3. Harvest – 6:01
  4. The Drapery Falls – 10:54
  5. Dirge for November – 7:54
  6. The Funeral Portrait – 8:44
  7. Patterns in the Ivy – 1:53
  8. Blackwater Park – 12:08
  9. Still Day Beneath The Sun (4.32)
  10. Patterns In The Ivy II (4.12)

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