Eluveitie - Everything Remains As It Never Was (2010)

Eluveitie - Everything Remains As It Never Was (2010)

Genero/Genre: Folk Melodic Death Metal
País/Country: Suecia
Peso/Weight: 41.1 mb
Calidad/Quality: mp3 @128 kbps
  1. Otherworld (01:55)
  2. Everything Remains (As It Never Was) (04:25)
  3. Thousandfold (03:20)
  4. Nil (03:43)
  5. The Essence Of Ashes (03:59)
  6. Isara (02:44)
  7. Kingdom Come Undone (03:21)
  8. Quoth The Raven (04:41)
  9. (Do)minion (05:07)
  10. Setlon (02:36)
  11. Sempiternal Embers (04:51)
  12. Lugdūnon (04:01)
  13. The Liminal Passage (02:14)

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Muestra: Everything Remains (As It Never Was)

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3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

no son de suecos... son suiza...

Anónimo dijo...

es cierto no son de suecia son de suiza...

Osuka dijo...

sorry, corregido ;)