Dragonforce - Valley of the Damned [Reiussed] (2010)

Dragonforce - Valley of the Damned [Reiussed] (2010)

Genero/Genre: Power Metal, Speed Metal
País/Country: Inglaterra / England
Peso/Weight: 100 mb
Calidad/Quality: mp3 @ 256 kbps~
  1. Invocation Of Apocalyptic Evil 00:15
  2. Valley Of The Damned 07:12
  3. Black Fire 05:47
  4. Black Winter Night 06:31
  5. Starfire 05:54
  6. Disiples Of Babylon 07:17
  7. Revelations 06:52
  8. Evening Star 06:40
  9. Heart Of A Dragon 05:24
  10. Where Dragons Rule (Bonus Track) 05:50

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