Brian Tyler - The Final Destination 4 OST (2009)

Brian Tyler - The Final Destination 4 OST (2009)

Genero/Genre: Soundtrack
País/Country: USA
Peso/Weight: 90mb
Calidad/Quality: mp3 @ 192 kbps

  1. The Final Destination 2:56
  2. The Raceway 3:08
  3. Memorial 2:46
  4. Nailed 3:21
  5. Nick's Google Theory 1:30
  6. Revelations 2:29
  7. Raceway Trespass 1:39
  8. Stay Away From Water 2:37
  9. Flame On 1:46
  10. Moment Of Joy 1:18
  11. Signs And Signals2:51
  12. George Is Next 1:12
  13. Car Washicide 3:05
  14. Newspaper Clues 1:59
  15. Premonition1:51
  16. The Salon 3:54
  17. Questioning1:03
  18. Death Of A Cowboy2:10
  19. Gearhead1:57
  20. Sushi For Everyone 2:53
  21. The Movie Theater 3:02
  22. You Can't Dodge Fate 1:28
  23. The Final Destination Suite 13:28

Link de descarga/Download Link:

Muestra: The Final Destination


1 comentario:

r4i dijo...

Finally, the first great movie of 2006 is here. Final Destination is the only franchise that always delivers everything it promises... I'm so happy.