Atrocity (US) - Let War Rage (2009)

Atrocity (US) - Let War Rage (2009)

Genero/Genre: Death Metal, Grindcore
País/Country: USA
Peso/Weight: 118.95 MB
Calidad/Quality: mp3 @ 320 kbps
  1. Born In Pain
  2. Spineless
  3. I Will Shed Blood
  4. The Rotting
  5. Swallow The Lies
  6. Reduced To Shit
  7. Witness To Genocide
  8. Human Bomb
  9. Winds Of Famine
  10. Bludgeoned To Death
  11. Let War Rage
  12. Horrendous Cut-Throat System
  13. Apocalypse
  14. The Purging Of Humanity
  15. Death Factories
  16. Ulcers
  17. Survived On Piss
  18. Untitled

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1 comentario:

Kira dijo...

milagro que publicas algo grind, pensé que solo hidrocefalo subia de ese genero