Holyhell - Holyhell (2009)

Holyhell - Holyhell (2009)

Genero/Genre: Symphonic Power Metal
País/Country: USA
Peso/Weight: 98 mb
Calidad/Quality: mp3 @ 192kbps

  1. Wings Of Light 5:03
  2. Prophecy 4:54
  3. Revelations 5:47
  4. Eclipse 5:32
  5. The Fall 5:48
  6. Angel Of Darkness 6:26
  7. Holy Water 5:12
  8. Mephisto 3:59
  9. Gates Of Hell 5:45
  10. Resurrection 6:30
  11. Last Vision 5:40
  12. Apocalypse 4:05
  13. Armageddon 6:12

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