Corpse Carving - Grotesque Goratorium Disemboweled Gorific Feast (2005)

Corpse Carving- Grotesque Goratorium Disemboweled Gorific Feast (2005)

Genero/Genre: Goregrind, Death Metal
País/Country: Australia
Peso/Weight: 42 Mb

  1. A Morticians Feast Pt1: Gourmet Flesh Sorbet
  2. Worming the Amputee - Fucking Defleshed Stumps
  3. Headless Disgorgement - Decapiated and Ingested
  4. Skinned and Cauterized - A Mangled Mess of Muscle and Bone
  5. Drenched in Visceral Excretions and Excrement - Aftermath of Emasculation
  6. A Morticians Feast Pt2: Human Hors d'oeuvre
  7. Enveloped in Putrified Orifice - Entangled in Entrails
  8. Disseverment of Mortuary Remnants - Deceased, Defiled and Dissected
  9. Cadaverous Gutting of a Foetal Form - The Splattered Progeny
  10. Malformed and Bursting When Impregnated with Putridity
  11. Grotesque Goratorium: Disemboweled Gorific Feast
  12. Dilapidated Bowels - Impalement Induced Gut Eruption
  13. To Molest Ones Own Art (pt1) - Screwing the Slaughtered
  14. Necrotic Vivisection - Dripping from the Entrails
  15. Hacksaw Caesarian - Fetus Internally Castrated
  16. Quagmire of Hacked and Rotting Mass
  17. Butchering and Coursing Thru the Evisceration Fragments
  18. To Molest Ones Own Art (pt2) - Primitive Perversity
  19. Gangrenous Corpse Pile - Stenching Erosive Septic Meat
  20. A Morticians Feast Pt3: Gruesome Slurp for Dessert
  21. A Rotten Internal Decomposing Sewage Coagulation
  22. Reservoir of Repugnance - The Dwelling of Deformity
  23. Intestines with Innards - A Fetid Stew of Penetralia
  24. Perpetual Hemoglobin Solidifcation within Folded Flesh

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