Trail Of Tears - Bloodstained Endurance (2009)

Trail Of Tears - Bloodstained Endurance (2009)

Genero/Genre: Gothic Metal
País/Country: Noruega
Peso/Weight: 100.5 mb
Calidad/Quality: mp3 @ 320 kbps

  1. The Feverish Alliance 04:02
  2. Once Kissed By The Serpent (Twice Bitten By Truth) 03:20
  3. Bloodstained Endurance 03:35
  4. Triumphant Gleam 03:40
  5. In The Valley Of Ashes 03:54
  6. A Storm At Will 04:00
  7. Take Aim.Reclaim.Prevail 03:11
  8. The Desperation Corridors 04:12
  9. Farewell To Sanity 04:31
  10. Dead End Gaze 03:57
  11. Faith Comes Knocking 04:27
  12. Onward March The Merciless (Bonus track) 03:08

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