Powerman 5000 - Anyone For Doomsday (2001)

Powerman 5000 - Anyone For Doomsday (2001)

Genero/Genre: Industrial Metal, Progressive Metal
País/Country: Gringolandia
Peso/Weight: 46 mb
Calidad/Quality: mp3 @ 192 kbps

  1. Machines For the Living
  2. Danger is Go!
  3. Bombshell
  4. The Meaning of Life
  5. Tomorrow is Yesterday
  6. The End of Everything
  7. What the World Does
  8. I'll Try
  9. The One and Only
  10. Wake Up
  11. Rise
  12. Megatronic
  13. The Future That Never Was

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1 comentario:

Laste.xile dijo...

osuka mío, quiero más música progresiva y folclórica, que sea nórdica, no crees? :)

te quiero osuka