Megadeth - So Far, So Good, ... So What! (1987)

Megadeth - So Far, So Good, ... So What! (1987)

Genero/Genre: Thrash Speed Metal
País/Country: Estados Unidos
Peso/Weight: 92.2 MB
Calidad/Quality: mp3@192kbps

  1. Into the Lung of Hell [Instrumental] – 3:22
  2. Set the World Afire – 5:48
  3. Anarchy in the U.K. - 3:01
  4. Mary Jane – 4:25
  5. 502 – 3:29
  6. In my Darkest Hour 6:26
  7. Liar - 3:20
  8. Hook In Mouth – 4:49
  9. Into the Lungs of Hell (Paul Lani Mix) – 3:31
  10. Set the World Afire (Paul Lani Mix) – 5:52
  11. Mary Jane (Paul Lani Mix) – 4:08
  12. In My Darkest Hour (Paul Lani Mix) – 6:11

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