Elis - God's Silence Devil's Temptation (2003)

Elis - God's Silence Devil's Temptation (2003)

Genero/Genre: Gothic Metal
País/Country: Liechtenstein
Peso/Weight: 71.8
Calidad/Quality: mp3@192kbps
  1. For Such A Long Time
  2. Where You Belong
  3. Sie erfasst mein Herz
  4. Do You Believe
  5. Engel der Nacht
  6. God's Silence
  7. Devil's Temptation
  8. Come To Me
  9. My Only Love
  10. Child
  11. Abendlied
  12. Betrayal

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Muestra: For Such A Long Time

La banda / The band

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