Ayreon - 01011001 (2008)

Ayreon - 01011001 (2008)

Genero/Genre: Symphonic Metal, Progressive Metal
País/Country: Paises Bajos
Peso/Weight: 161 mb
Calidad/Quality: mp3 @ 225 kbps

  1. Age Of Shadows
  2. Comatose
  3. Liquid Eternity
  4. Connect The Dots
  5. Beneath The Waves
  6. New Born Race
  7. Ride The Comet
  8. Web Of Lies
  9. The Earth Extinction
  10. Waking Dreams
  11. The Truth Is Here
  12. Unnatural Selection
  13. River Of Time
  14. E=MC2
  15. The Sixth Extinction

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