Amon Amarth - Once Sent From The Golden Hall [Remastered] (2 cd's) (2009)

Amon Amarth - Once Sent From The Golden Hall [Remastered] (2 cd's) (2009)

Genero/Genre: Power metal
País/Country: Suecia
Peso/Weight: 168 mb
Calidad/Quality: mp3 @ 245 kbps

  1. Ride For Vengeance
  2. The Dragons Flight Across The Waves
  3. Without Fear
  4. Victorious March
  5. Friends Of The Suncross
  6. Abandoned
  7. Amon Amarth
  8. Once Sent From The Golden Hall
  9. Siegreicher Marsch (Victorious March)

CD2 (live)
  1. Ride For Vengeance
  2. The Dragon's Flight Across The Waves
  3. Without Fear
  4. Victorious March
  5. Friends Of The Suncross
  6. Abandoned
  7. Amon Amarth
  8. Once Sent From The Golden Hall

Link de descarga/Download Link:

Muestra: Siegreicher Marsch

La banda / The band

1 comentario:

Clau dijo...

excelente banda es una de mis favoritas muchas gracias!! ahora ya tengo toda la discografia
saludos :D