Within Temptation - Black Orchestra (2008)

Within Temptation - Black Orchestra (2008)

Genero/Genre: Symphonic Metal, Gothic Metal
País/Country: Holanda
Peso/Weight: 187 mb
Calidad/Quality: mp3 @ 256 kbps

  1. Ouverture
  2. Jillian (Id Give My Heart)
  3. The Howling
  4. Stand My Ground
  5. The Cross
  6. What Have You Done (Featuring Keith Caputo)
  7. Hand Of Sorrow
  8. The Heart Of Everything
  9. Forgiven
  10. Somewhere (Featuring Anneke Van Giersbergen)
  11. The Swan Song
  12. Memories

  1. Our Solemn Hour
  2. The Other Half (Of Me) (Featuring George Oosthoek)
  3. Frozen
  4. The Promise
  5. Angels
  6. Mother Earth
  7. The Thruth Beneath The Rose
  8. Deceiver Of Fools
  9. All I Need
  10. Ice Queen

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Muestra: Jillian

La banda / The band

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