Estatic Fear - A Sombre Dance (1999)

Estatic Fear - A Sombre Dance (1999)

Genero/Genre: Symphonic Doom/Gothic Metal
País/Country: Austria
Peso/Weight: 112MB

1. Intro (Unisono Lute Instrumental)
2. Chapter I
3. Chapter II
4. Chapter III
5. Chapter IV
6. Chapter V
7. Chapter VI
8. Chapter VII
9. Chapter VIII
10. Chapter IX

Link de descarga/Download Link:

La banda / The band
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2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Anónimo dijo...

me and my wife have been researching 2012 for about 2 years now and have allready started planning they say by 2010 you will see it in the sky and i think thats about the time we will have everything ready we are looking to start a survival group or if anyone else has one that we can join let me know ill check back later thanks
]Astronomical picture
[/url] - some truth about 2012