Arch Enemy - Rise Of The Tyrant (2007)

Arch Enemy - Rise Of The Tyrant (2007)

Genero/Genre: Death Melodic Metal
País/Country: Suecia
Peso/Weight: 74.83 MB
Calidad/Quality: mp3@192 kbps

1. Blood On Your Hands - 4.41
2. The Last Enemy - 4.15
3. I Will Live Again - 3.32
4. In This Shallow Grave - 4.54
5. Revolution Begins - 4.11
6. Rise Of The Tyrant - 4.33
7. The Day You Died - 4.52
8. Intermezzo Liberté - 2.52
9. Night Falls Fast - 3.18
10. The Great Darkness - 4.46
11. Vultures - 6.36

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