Ela - Passion (2008)

Ela - Passion (2008)

Genero: Alternative Gothic Hard Rock Pop
País: Alemania
Peso: 70 mb
Formato: mp3 @ 256 kbps
Duración: 44:59
  1. Good
  2. Little Dies
  3. Out of Time (Feat. JR Blackmore)
  4. Why Can't I
  5. After the rain
  6. Bleed
  7. Who'll Stop the Rain
  8. It's Over
  9. The Sun Will SHine Again
  10. When You're Done
  11. Make My Day
  12. I Want Toy To Want Me
  13. Bonus: Dynamite (Out of Time EP)
Link de descarga:

Muestra: Why Can't I

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