One Man Army And The Undead Quartet - Error In Evolution (2007)

Genero/Genre: Death Thrash Metal
País/Country: Suecia
Peso/Weight: 68.37 mb
Calidad/Quality: mp3@320 kbps (mayoritariamente)

  1. "Mine for the Taking" – 3:53
  2. "Knights in Satan's Service" – 3:14
  3. "Such A Sick Boy" – 3:59
  4. "The Supreme Butcher" – 2:57
  5. "The Sun Never Shines: – 4:03
  6. "See Them Burn" – 5:10
  7. "Nightmare in Ashes and Blood" – 4:52
  8. "He is Back (the man behind the mask)"
  9. "Heaven Knows No Pain" – 4:45
  10. "Hail the King" – 3:15

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