Opeth - Still Life (1999)

Opeth - Still Life (1999)

Genero/Genre: Death Progressive Metal
País/Country: Suecia
Peso/Weight: 85.42 mb
Calidad/Quality: mp3@192kbps

  1. The Moor – 11:26
  2. Godhead's Lament – 9:47
  3. Benighted – 5:00
  4. Moonlapse Vertigo – 9:00
  5. Face of Melinda – 7:58
  6. Serenity Painted Death – 9:13
  7. White Cluster – 10:02
Link de descarga/Download Link:

ThePlasmas - Noentiendo (2008)

ThePlasmas - Noentiendo (2008)

Genero/Genre: Videogame Metal
País/Country: Chile
Peso/Weight: 38.9 mb
Calidad/Quality: mp3 @ 128 kbps
  1. Killer Instinct
  2. Kirby Gourmet Race
  3. Contra (Feat. Duane)
  4. Doctor Tetris
  5. Link In The First Dungedon
  6. Super Mario
  7. Mavericks Hunters
  8. Castelvania
  9. StarFox
  10. X In The Fortress
  11. Contra

Link de descarga/Download Link:

Ihsahn - After (2010)

Ihsahn - After (2010)

Genero/Genre: Exteme Progressive Metal
País/Country: Noruega
Peso/Weight: 99.1 mb
Calidad/Quality: mp3 @ 320 kbps
  1. The Barren Lands 05:12
  2. A Grave Inversed 04:25
  3. After 04:47
  4. Frozen Lakes On Mars 05:54
  5. Undercurrent 10:00
  6. Austere 06:16
  7. Heavens Black Sea 06:15
  8. on the Shores 10:12

Link de descarga/Download Link:

Thnks hunterz 4 mirroring

Forgotten Tomb - Springtime Depression (2003)

Forgotten Tomb - Springtime Depression (2003)

Genero/Genre: Depressive Black Metal
País/Country: Italia/Italy
Peso/Weight: 89.3MB

  1. Todestrieb
  2. Scars
  3. Daylight Obsession
  4. Springtime Depression
  5. Colourless Despondency
  6. Subway Apathy

Link de descarga/Download Link:

La banda / The band